2024 Annual Review - January 2024
Here are some highlights of club activities during 2024:
Disc Golf Course Development and Improvement
- Design and installation of Fairfield Church of the
Nazarene DGC
- Redesign and upgrade of Harbin Park DGC
- Redesign and upgrade of Winton Woods DGC
- Installation of alternate pin locations for Mt. Airy DGC
holes A & B
Community Engagement and Partnerships
- Established stakeholder agreement with Great Parks
of Hamilton County and supported Miami
Whitewater Forest DGC
- Held meetings with Clermont County Convention &
Visitors Bureau to promote disc golf expansion
- Held meetings with Butler County Tourism & Visitors
Bureau to promote disc golf expansion
- Continued support of the UC and NKU disc golf
Events and Fundraising
- Organized and held ten events locally for the
- Hosted members-only events, including Devou Temp
and Idlewild Winter Warmer Tournaments
- Idlewild Open volunteer support and GCDGA
- Successfully ran FPO as an A-tier event to lay the
groundwork for a possible PDGA Amateur World
Championship bid
- GCDGA Weekly rotating league
Planning and Development
- Committed additional funds for Banklick
- Initiated Course Ambassador program to improve
GCDGA interaction with local parks systems
- Conducted meetings with Clermont County Parks for
Osage Grove DGC upgrade/maintenance
- Conducted meetings with Kenton County Parks for
Lincoln Ridge DGC redesign/upgrade
​None of this is possible without YOU -- your volunteer time, and your membership in the GCDGA. And for that we thank you.
There are members that consistently contribute and support club activities every year, but not nearly enough.
Club officers and a few dedicated members can spend 100’s of hours each year per person on club meetings, running tournaments, fundraising activities, course work, park department outreach, course design, and administrative work.
We NEED more members to be involved to sustainably maintain this level of activity. Please consider volunteering!
Here is a brief list of things that the club needs in 2025:
Course Ambassadors
Social Media Director
Sponsorship Manager
TD's to help run GCDGA tournaments
Youth League leader
SKilled local players to help run beginner clinics
Please consider taking on a role in the GCDGA. Exciting things will happen when more members get involved.
Club meetings are at 7PM on the first Monday of the month at O’Bryons Pub in O’Bryonville.
Let us know how you can get involved!